I am a researcher at the center for Applied Research (SNF) at NHH Norwegian School of Economics. I am affiliated with the Center of Excellence FAIR and the Development Learning Lab (DLL). I completed my PhD at the University of Michigan.
My research focuses on education challenges in industrialized and developing countries, often using behavioral economics as an approach. I use both administrative data and design my own randomized studies. Currently, my focus is on studying the implications of generative AI on education, as well as the role of stress on gender differences in high-stakes exam performance.
Email: catalina.franco@snf.no
You can find my CV here
Does Re-Imprisonment for Technical Violations Prevent Crime?
(with David Harding, Jeffrey Morenoff, and Shawn D. Bushway)
Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming
Behavioral Dynamics in Transitions from College to the Workforce
(with Meera Mahadevan)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, August 2021
Latin American immigration in the United States: Is there wage assimilation across the wage distribution?
Hispanics in the US Labor Market, Richard R. Verdugo ed., Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona, Spain, 2013.
Earnings differentials in Colombia: A study of young and rural workers, 2002-2009
(with Johanna Ramos)
Economic Analysis Review, Vol. 25, No.2, Special Issue: Inequality and income mobility in Latin America, 2010.
Will Artificial Intelligence Get in the Way of Achieving Gender Equality?
(with Daniel Carvajal and Siri Isaksson)
Does AI Help or Hurt Learning?
(with Natalie Irmert and Siri Isaksson)
Abstract | Paper available upon request
Innocuous Exam Features? The Impact of Answer Placement on High-Stakes Test Performance and College Admissions
(with Erika Povea)
Bridging the Gender Gap in Exam Performance through Nudges and Stress Reframing
(with Marcela Gomez-Ruiz)
Strategic Decisions Have "Major" Consequences: Gender Differences in College Major Choices
(with Amelia Hawkins)
Gender Differences at the Top: Incentives, Performance and Choking under Pressure
(with Ingvild Skarpeid)
Stress, Exam Performance and Gender
(with Ingvild Skarpeid and students in my course "Stress and mental health in education")
Abstract | Draft available upon request
Willingness to Pay for Formal Job Attributes: A Discrete Choice Experiment in Colombian Mom-and-Dad Stores
(with Amalia Rodríguez-Valencia)
How does Relative Performance Feedback Affect Beliefs and Academic Decisions? Evidence from a Field Experiment
The Value of a Signal: Information Processing among Students Outside the Lab
Gender Differences in Recognition of Depression and Seeking Help
(with Sara Abrahamsson and Akshay Moorthy)
Encouraging Women Leadership: Evidence from Village Savings and Loans Associations in Uganda
(with Kjetil Bjorvatn, Shyamal Chowdhury, Danila Serra and Munshi Sulaiman)
Mentors for Minority Language Students
(with Astrid Ervik, Julian Johnsen and Kjell Salvanes)
Getting Employers to Hire Workers in Inclusion Policies through Nudges and Motivation
(with Kjetil Bjorvatn, Mathias Ekström and Ranveig Falch)
Stress and Mental Health in Education
Summer 2024 - Bergen Summer Research School 2024, Bergen, Norway
Personnel Economics
Spring 2023 - NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway
Microeconomics I (Consumer Theory)
Summer and Fall 2018 - Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
Introduction to Applied Microeconometrics (One-week Course)
Spring 2016 – Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia